Saturday, April 28, 2007


Leaving New Jersey For Stuyvesant

Another Shot Of The Catskills.
The View From The Rip Van Winkle Bridge.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Und alle anderen -Zehn-

Pennsylvania Cavern.
There are several of these along the way.
The signs are hilarious!
OK, if you've ever referred to KY as the land of hillbillies you may want to apologize for singling them out. It seems it happens in Pennsylvania too! I have several other photos just like this.
So much construction. I took several shots of construction in each area.


I thought this old mill would make for a nice photo.
Thank You Pennsylvania.
People in New Jersey don't appreciate you slowing down to take photos, so this one is kind of blurry.
This is when the mountains start to appear.
This is New Jersey. There was a really really pretty waterfall here but it didn't come over in the pic. :(
I want this sign for my car!!!
Grandpa's Cheese barn???
Construction Everywhere!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Avie's baby brother Zeke. (My nephew)
Avie with her Mommy just before present time.
Avie enjoying her cake and ice cream.
Avie tearing into presents with Mom and Dad.
Avie deciding what wish to make.
A cutie pie.