Thursday, September 07, 2006


Awe........ look at the big boy on the slide!
Ok he's becoming a professional at this posing thing.
Brock, looking thrilled with his big brother duties!
A swing and a smile.
The first day of second grade.
Dinner at Grandpa's. My dad made this huge, wonderful meal for us. After we all sat down, gave thanks and started to eat, Tyson looked at my dad and said: "Grandpa, you have hotdog?"
Grandpa laughed, Tyson got his hotdog even though Daddy didn't approve.
I guess Grandpa's have seniority authority! LOL!!

das fünfte fortgesetzt

My BIL, Paul brought his toy over so we could all play.
The pic is blurry because he was actually moving when I took it.
My BIL, Jeff enjoying Paul's generosity!
My BIL Paul, SIL Jen and niece Toni.
Brock on Dad's John Deere.